Marco Jardim, Developer in Niterói - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Marco is available for hire
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Marco Jardim

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Blockchain Developer

Niterói - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Toptal Member Since
March 16, 2022

Marco Jardim isn't just a blockchain expert; he's a digital visionary. With a master's in blockchain and digital currencies, Marco has pioneered transformative solutions like the Gov Token, a tool combating corruption in Brazilian state loans. His contributions to UNICEF's Giga aim to connect every school to the internet by 2030. Beyond the tech, Marco's passion lies in reshaping our world through blockchain's potential. Dive deeper and discover how Marco revolutionizes the digital frontier.


Stealth Startup
Solidity, Smart Contracts, Web3.js, Blockchain, JavaScript, Parsers, Compilers...
Agile Project Management, Blockchain, Solidity, Node.js, Testing, Web 3.0...
Solidity, Blockchain, Ethereum, ERC-20, Decentralized Applications, Bots




Preferred Environment

Ethereum, Bitcoin, Solidity, Node.js, Lightning Network, DApps, Blockchain, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Back-end, Hardhat

The most amazing...

...feat I've achieved is leveraging blockchain at UNICEF's Giga, connecting schools globally to the internet, empowering millions of children.

Work Experience

Web3 Security Engineer

2023 - PRESENT
Stealth Startup
  • Leveraged the capabilities of GPT-4 for natural language analysis, which improved the tool's understanding of code documentation and potential areas of exploitation.
  • Drove a 30% reduction in false positives through iterative refinement and feedback loops, optimizing the tool's performance and reliability.
  • Integrated Mythril, Slither, and Echidna into the tool's pipeline, enhancing its accuracy in identifying critical vulnerabilities by 70%.
  • Designed a cutting-edge fuzz testing mechanism that automatically generated over 10,000 test cases, uncovering 95 unique vulnerabilities in previously audited contracts.
  • Conducted over 150 security audits on externally developed smart contracts, providing comprehensive feedback and recommendations that safeguarded over $500 million in digital assets.
  • Spearheaded the incorporation of Mythril, leading to a 40% increase in detecting logical and computational flaws in smart contracts.
  • Initiated and maintained a comprehensive vulnerability database, which now houses records of vulnerabilities and their solutions.
Technologies: Solidity, Smart Contracts, Web3.js, Blockchain, JavaScript, Parsers, Compilers, Fuzz Testing, Python, Troubleshooting, Writing & Editing, Cryptocurrency, ERC-20, Auditing, Uniswap V2, PoWH3D, Security Audits, Consensus Algorithms, Threat Analytics, Vulnerability Management, Decentralized Applications

Blockchain Engineer

2023 - PRESENT
  • Designed and coded web3 pages to enable secure and efficient tracking of donations and grants, reducing administrative costs.
  • Conducted rigorous testing and auditing of smart contracts, ensuring zero security breaches and 100% compliance with industry standards.
  • Collaborated with the Giga team and external partners to integrate blockchain technology into the initiative's broader strategy, increasing stakeholder engagement.
  • Conducted research on emerging blockchain trends and technologies, presenting findings to the team and contributing to developing Giga's long-term roadmap.
  • Trained and mentored junior blockchain developers, increasing team productivity and knowledge-sharing.
  • Coordinated with external auditors to ensure accurate reporting of blockchain-related expenses and compliance with regulatory requirements.
Technologies: Agile Project Management, Blockchain, Solidity, Node.js, Testing, Web 3.0, ERC-20, Blockchain Design, Customized Blockchains, MySQL, Digital Asset Management, Polygon EVM, Back-end Development, Fuzz Testing, Sepolia, Web3, Foundry, Git, Utility Tokens, Off-chain Development, Ledgers, Troubleshooting, Cryptocurrency, Smart Contracts, Auditing, Security Audits, Distributed Hash Tables (DHT), Consensus Algorithms, Networking, Decentralized Applications

ERC Auditing and Deployment Specialist

2023 - 2023
  • Conducted detailed security audits of the ERC20 token's smart contracts successfully, identifying and rectifying vulnerabilities to ensure robust security against hacks and fraud.
  • Developed and implemented best practices for smart contract development and auditing, significantly enhancing the token's reliability and trustworthiness in the blockchain community.
  • Designed and executed innovative risk management strategies, effectively mitigating potential financial and operational risks associated with the ERC20 token.
Technologies: Solidity, Blockchain, Ethereum, ERC-20, Decentralized Applications, Bots

Solidity Developer

2022 - 2023
Kondux LLC
  • Architected the blockchain infrastructure for Kondux, including creating ERC721 NFTs NVidia Omniverse metaverse-ready.
  • Designed and implemented whitelist minting contracts and systems.
  • Helped Kondux establish itself as a leading design lab in the Web3 space, specializing in 3D NFT marketplaces, AR/VR/XR environments, metaverse design, manufacturing models, and gaming experiences.
  • Designed and implemented staking smart contracts for the company's clients, enabling them to earn rewards for holding and supporting specific tokens.
  • Connected the company's blockchain assets to NVidia Omniverse, enabling clients to experience their digital assets in immersive, real-time 3D environments.
  • Collaborated on the development of Kondux's tokenomics, creating a sustainable and effective system for incentivizing participation and value creation within the company's ecosystem.
  • Documented and tested the smart contract basecode, ensuring accuracy, efficiency, and security in the company's blockchain solutions.
Technologies: Solidity, Smart Contracts, Blockchain, Ethereum, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), ERC-721, ERC-1155, Ethereum Smart Contracts, ERC-20, Leadership, Digital Asset Management, Fractionalization, Fuzz Testing, Sepolia, Web3, Git, Utility Tokens, Troubleshooting, Cryptocurrency, Auditing, Uniswap V2, Distributed Hash Tables (DHT), Consensus Algorithms, Networking, Decentralized Applications

Smart Contracts Developer

2022 - 2022
Alpha Lease Management LLC
  • Developed decentralized finance (DeFi) smart contracts with DAO governance, bonds, and staking. This project was inspired by OlympusDAO. I've used Hardhat as the main framework.
  • Created a full CI/CD with full test coverage and autonomous deployment.
  • Upgraded some clients' legacy contracts to more secure versions while keeping functionality and migrating assets.
Technologies: Solidity, JavaScript, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Ethereum Smart Contracts, Crypto, Decentralization, Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs), GitHub, Consensus Mechanism, Web 3.0, Memory Management, Applied Cryptography, ERC-20, Avalanche, Digital Asset Management, Git, Troubleshooting, Cryptocurrency, Uniswap V2, Decentralized Applications

Senior Solidity Developer

2022 - 2022
Banyan Storage Inc.
  • Designed a decentralized storage provider marketplace, agnostic to any storaging (IPFS, S3, etc.) and type of crypto payment (ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155) as collateral.
  • Developed contracts for the company's MVP, with full testing, deployment scripts, and CI/CD pipeline using Hardhat and GitHub Actions. (
  • Conducted regular code reviews and provided mentorship and feedback to junior engineers, resulting in an increase in team productivity and a reduction in code defects.
  • Stayed up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in blockchain and distributed systems and shared this knowledge with the team through regular training and knowledge-sharing sessions.
  • Created and maintained technical documentation, including API specifications and user guides, reducing the time required to onboard new developers and users to the platform.
  • Worked closely with product managers and other stakeholders to identify and translate key business requirements into technical specifications.
Technologies: Solidity, Blockchain, JavaScript, CI/CD Pipelines, Testing, Team Management, Scrum, Agile, Infrastructure, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Ethereum Smart Contracts, Crypto, Decentralization, Cybersecurity, GitHub, Consensus Mechanism, Web 3.0, Memory Management, Applied Cryptography, Networks, ERC-20, Blockchain Design, Chainlink, Oracle, Git, Utility Tokens, Databases, Data Queries, Off-chain Development, Troubleshooting, Cryptocurrency, Distributed Hash Tables (DHT), Networking, Decentralized Applications


2021 - 2022
Blockchain Studio
  • Developed a token for the Brazillian government to track state loans and fight corruption. This project used Bitcoin, Lightning Network, and RGB stack.
  • Created an NFT-based game with a marketplace for users to auction their NFTs. This project used the Ethereum and Polygon stack.
  • Started adopting the agile culture in the company, teaching and implementing frameworks like the OKR, Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), and Holacracy.
Technologies: Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Node.js, Python, Agile Project Management, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Tokenization, Token Design, zkSNARKs, Zero-knowledge Proofs, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO), Elliptic Curve Cryptography, ERC-1155, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, Blockchain as a Service, Bitcoind, Cryptography, Blockchain Platforms, Rust, RGB Protocol, Cryptocurrency, Linux, Solidity, Lightning Network, DApps, P2P, Sidechains, Economics, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), Ethers.js, Web3.js, Hardhat, Truffle, Ganache, Chai, Smart Contracts, Ethereum Smart Contracts, BTC Wallet, HD Wallets, Cryptocurrency Wallets, JavaScript, TypeScript, ERC-721, Liquidity Pools, Tokenomics, Cloud, Architecture, Technical Project Management, Cloud Services, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microservices, DB, Back-end, APIs, IPFS, React, GraphQL, Express.js, REST APIs, Full-stack, CTO, Web Security, Security, IT Security, Binance API, OpenZeppelin, ÐApp, MetaMask, Distributed Systems, Team Management, Scrum, Agile, Team Leadership, Project Management, Hyperledger, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Polygon, Payment APIs, Crypto, Magento, Decentralization, Cybersecurity, Google Cloud, GitHub, Consensus Mechanism, Web 3.0, Concurrency, Memory Management, Applied Cryptography, Advisory, Project Consultancy, Networks, ERC-20, Blockchain Design, Loyalty Programs, Customized Blockchains, Enterprise Loyalty Programs, MySQL, Leadership, Digital Asset Management, Fractionalization, ICO, NoSQL, Polygon EVM, Back-end Development, Fuzz Testing, Web3, Git, Utility Tokens, Databases, Data Queries, HTML5, Off-chain Development, Ledgers, Troubleshooting, Uniswap V2, Distributed Hash Tables (DHT), Consensus Algorithms, Networking, Mining, Decentralized Applications, Bots

Software Engineer

2020 - 2021
  • Developed a classroom scheduler system. The project used PHP and a WordPress framework.
  • Built a chatbot for Zendesk to increase the SLA and NPS of the company's help desk.
  • Led one of the company's strategic and tactical OKRs cycle of 2020.
Technologies: PHP, Node.js, Artificial Intelligence (AI), DevOps, Amazon Web Services (AWS), CI/CD Pipelines, Decentralization, Cryptography, Agile Project Management, Linux, Python, Data Science, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Cloud, Architecture, Cloud Services, Microservices, DB, Back-end, APIs, Express.js, REST APIs, Full-stack, Web Security, Security, IT Security, Team Management, Scrum, Agile, WordPress, SQL, CSS, Cybersecurity, GitHub, Content Creation, MySQL, NoSQL, Back-end Development, Git, SysOps, HTML5, Off-chain Development

Tech Leader

2016 - 2021
  • Developed several chatbots using Facebook, Twitter, and Zendesk API.
  • Built a custom integration for the Consumidor.Gov website to plug in a chatbot.
  • Created these chatbots that had near 100,000 chats with users per month.
  • Developed a dashboard with the chatbot's usage statistics and insights.
Technologies: Node.js, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Google BigQuery, Big Data, Data Science, Zendesk, Cryptography, Scraping, Agile Project Management, Linux, Python, JavaScript, Cloud, Data Cleaning, Data Recovery, Statistics, Architecture, Technical Project Management, Cloud Services, Microservices, Server-side Programming, DB, Back-end, APIs, Express.js, REST APIs, Full-stack, Web Security, Security, IT Security, Team Management, Scrum, Agile, Team Leadership, Project Management, Infrastructure, SQL, Cybersecurity, Google Cloud, BigQuery, ETL, GitHub, Memory Management, Twilio, MySQL, Leadership, MongoDB, Telegram Bots, Telegram Bot Platform, NoSQL, Back-end Development, API Integration, Git, Data Queries, Analytics, Off-chain Development

Blockchain Developer

2019 - 2019
  • Created a CI/CD pipeline for the exchange system on Gitlab.
  • Helped the quality assurance team create and automate the tests for the company's software.
  • Helped the blockchain team to develop smart contracts for the company's tokens.
Technologies: Java, DevOps, Blockchain, Exchanges, Cryptocurrency, CI/CD Pipelines, Tokenization, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, Cryptography, Blockchain Platforms, Linux, Ethereum, Bitcoin, Solidity, Lightning Network, DApps, P2P, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), Smart Contracts, Ethereum Smart Contracts, JavaScript, ERC-721, Tokenomics, Cloud, Cloud Services, Amazon Web Services (AWS), DB, Back-end, APIs, IPFS, REST APIs, Web Security, IT Security, Binance API, OpenZeppelin, ÐApp, Distributed Systems, Infrastructure, SQL, Crypto, GitHub, Consensus Mechanism, Web 3.0, Concurrency, Memory Management, Applied Cryptography, ERC-20, High-performance Computing, Stock Exchange, Digital Asset Management, ICO, Cryptocurrency Exchanges, Back-end Development, Web3, API Integration, Git, Databases, Data Queries, SysOps, Off-chain Development, Ledgers, Networking, Decentralized Applications, Trading Systems

Blockchain Engineer

2018 - 2019
Apus Payments
  • Developed a cryptocurrency payment system that used the credit card number (fingerprint) as the seed of a custom, in-house, Crypto HD Wallet.
  • Developed a crypto HD wallet for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Decred, and Litecoin.
  • Developed an API to communicate blockchain full nodes to POS that received payments in crypto.
  • Created an intelligent fee estimator for Bitcoin that watched the mempool for the probable minimum fee for a 1-block mining time for a transaction.
  • Created a system that cached and batched different platform costumer's transactions to the Bitcoin blockchain to save on fees.
Technologies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Blockchain, Bitcoind, Node.js, Redis, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Litecoin, CouchDB, Card Payments, Digital Payments, Credit Cards, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, Cryptography, Cryptocurrency, BTC Wallet, HD Wallets, Cryptocurrency Wallets, Mobile Wallet, JavaScript, Cloud, Architecture, Cloud Services, DB, Mobile, Back-end, Cryptocoin Mining, APIs, REST APIs, ÐApp, Smart Contracts, Distributed Systems, Infrastructure, SQL, Ethereum Smart Contracts, Payment APIs, Crypto, GitHub, Consensus Mechanism, Web 3.0, Concurrency, Memory Management, Applied Cryptography, Networks, ERC-20, Digital Asset Management, Back-end Development, Git, Off-chain Development, Ledgers, Networking, Decentralized Applications

Giga is a global initiative launched by UNICEF and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to connect every school to the internet by 2030. With 2.7 billion people still offline, and 96% of them in developing countries, this lack of connectivity limits the potential of many children to learn and grow.

By connecting schools, Giga provides opportunities for students to develop digital skills and access online learning content while creating anchor points for communities to access local businesses and services. The initiative combines the expertise of UNICEF in education and procurement, ITU's knowledge of regulation and policy, and private-sector technology solutions.

As a blockchain engineer, I have contributed to securing donations and tracking grants using blockchain technology. Giga is the only initiative for connectivity named in the UN Secretary-General's Digital Cooperation Roadmap and Common Agenda. It operates under UNICEF's Office of Innovation and ITU's Telecommunication Development Bureau.

Kondux is a Web3 design lab for artists, brands, and manufacturers where our mission is to create custom-fit SaaS solutions by combining advanced API pipelines with secured technologies and bridging creativity and blockchain technology together with NFTs, 3D NFT marketplaces, AR/VR/XR environments, Metaverse design, manufacturing models, and gaming experiences.

Banyan Decentralized Storage Marketplace
This is the marketplace for trustless storage where Banyan aggregates storage providers and introduces simple crypto-economic incentives to make data worth storing in the web3 era.

Why Banyan?
• Security: the safety of decentralized storage with exceptional censorship-resistant privacy features.
• Longevity: incentive IPFS paid on the chain to ensure your data will be stored safely as long as the user wants.
• User-friendliness: effortless advanced file management features with a web interface and API.
Released on Ethereum and Polygon with a custom bridge where I developed smart contracts, the back end and integrated them with Magento's marketplace for users to buy and sell the NFT and game's ERC20.
I've submitted this project to Certik's auditory, supervised, and implemented their recommendations to get a 90+ score.
The cool part: the game is fully decentralized regarding the custody of the assets but centralized on game rules and mechanics. We achieved an effortless onboarding as playing the game doesn't require the player to have cryptocurrencies. I designed the system to act like a "concierge," catching and submitting the transactions on behalf of the player. This project also had CI/CD for smart contracts with Hardhat and Gitlab pipelines, compilation, testing, deployment, and verification.

Gov Token
Gov Token is an anti-corruption blockchain tool to help public spending transparency, traceability, and security by monitoring and enabling public verification of all state loans using blockchain with the Bitcoin, Lightning Network, and RGB stack.

Apus Payments
Apus Payments is a POS that accepts payments in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Decred. A regular credit card is used as a private key seed to sign the transaction. The user's HD wallet is derived from it for every blockchain supported, and Apus' system would keep track of users' cryptocurrencies and build transactions for the user to pay the seller, instant and on the street. This was a project that tried to bring live instant street commerce crypto payments before the maturity of the Lightning Network and Ethereum's sidechains. It used an AI-customer analysis of fraud probability, transmitting 0-conf transactions that would be mined later to pay the lowest fees possible.

VacinaAcao is an open source decentralized tracking for vaccine public health data of Niterói's (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) prefecture. It reduced the interval from five minutes to 30 seconds between shots at vaccination campaigns.
VacinaAcao uses Ethereum smart contract for the back end and a Web3 mobile app.

Ether Box
Ethereum DAO smart contract for ether savings using game theory. Developed to allow unbanked to save money using cryptocurrencies and be rewarded for savings. This DAO is fully decentralized and automated. It rewards users based on the game theory of long holding money.

Node.js Bitcoin Library
Sending custom transactions on bitcoin via RPC calls, but quickly with Node.js. Open the wallet on your Node.js, and add the amount, the destination, and the desired fee. No more counter-intuitive default. Send the RPC method that so many other libs implement and send your transaction's change to a new address. It works with every Bitcoin fork.


Solidity, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, SQL, Python, Java, R, HTML5, PHP, Rust, GraphQL, Go, CSS, C++


Truffle, Express.js


Node.js, Web3.js, Chai, REST APIs, Liquid, Binance API, React


Ganache, BTC Wallet, MetaMask, BigQuery, GitHub, Git, GitLab, GitLab CI/CD, VPN


Data Science, Agile Project Management, Scrum, Agile, ETL, High-performance Computing, DevOps, Testing, Test-driven Development (TDD), Microservices, Server-side Programming, Fuzz Testing, Object-relational Mapping (ORM)


Linux, Ethereum, Blockchain, Blockchain Platforms, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Oracle, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Mobile, Hyperledger, WordPress, Twilio, Telegram Bot Platform, Hyperledger Fabric, Zendesk, Azure, Magento


DB, Google Cloud, MySQL, NoSQL, Databases, Redis, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, CouchDB

Industry Expertise

Cybersecurity, Trading Systems, Project Management


Bitcoin, Lightning Network, DApps, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Sidechains, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), Google BigQuery, Cryptocurrency, Scraping, Cryptography, Digital Signatures, Bitcoind, Blockchain as a Service, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, ERC-1155, Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Decentralization, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO), Zero-knowledge Proofs, Token Design, Tokenization, Ethers.js, Hardhat, Smart Contracts, Ethereum Smart Contracts, Litecoin, HD Wallets, Cryptocurrency Wallets, ERC-721, Liquidity Pools, Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Cleaning, Data Recovery, Statistics, Architecture, ÐApp, Technical Project Management, Cloud Services, Back-end, Cryptocoin Mining, APIs, IPFS, Web Security, Security, IT Security, OpenZeppelin, Distributed Systems, Team Management, Team Leadership, Decentralized Systems, Solana, Infrastructure, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Payment APIs, Crypto, Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs), Consensus Mechanism, Web 3.0, Concurrency, Memory Management, Applied Cryptography, Advisory, Project Consultancy, Networks, ERC-20, Blockchain Design, Loyalty Programs, Customized Blockchains, Enterprise Loyalty Programs, Avalanche, Chainlink, Leadership, Digital Asset Management, Fractionalization, ICO, Cryptocurrency Exchanges, Polygon EVM, Back-end Development, Sepolia, Web3, API Integration, Foundry, Utility Tokens, Data Queries, Analytics, Algorithms, Off-chain Development, Ledgers, Troubleshooting, Auditing, Uniswap V2, Reflection Tokens, Security Audits, Distributed Hash Tables (DHT), Consensus Algorithms, Networking, Mining, Threat Analytics, Vulnerability Management, Decentralized Applications, Bots, P2P, Tokenomics, CI/CD Pipelines, Big Data, RGB Protocol, zkSNARKs, Polygon, Card Payments, Digital Payments, Credit Cards, Mobile Wallet, Cloud, Full-stack, CTO, Scrum Master, GDPR, Arbitrage, Flash Loans, Content Creation, Internet of Things (IoT), Stock Exchange, Telegram Bots, Parsers, Compilers, Biomedical Skills, SysOps, Web Development, Writing & Editing, PoWH3D, Economics, Exchanges, Cryptocurrency Payments, Graphs, District Health Information Software (DHIS), Open Source, Game Theory, Libraries, RPC, Front-end, Trading, High Code Quality, Storage, Secure Storage, Validation, User Validation, Mobile Advertising, Aptos, Cosmos, Internet Computer Protocol (ICP)

2020 - 2023

Ph.D. Degree in Computer Science

Rio de Janeiro's Federal University (UFRJ/IESC) - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2018 - 2020

Master's Degree in Digital Currencies and Blockchain

University of Nicosia (UNic) - Nicosia, Cyprus

2007 - 2017

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Rio de Janeiro's Federal University (UFRJ/DCC) - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Azure AI Fundamentals



R Programming



The Data Scientist’s Toolbox



Getting and Cleaning Data



Exploratory Data Analysis


Collaboration That Works

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